Find flexible jobs for students

We're Indeed Flex, and we're transforming the way people find jobs. We deliver a level of speed, choice, and flexibility that you'd struggle to find elsewhere – putting you, the jobseeker, in control.

If you're a student looking for employment in retail, hospitality, or the industrial sectors, with Indeed Flex you can find work with hundreds of top companies across the UK.

To apply for temporary student jobs, download the Indeed Flex app, set up an account, and book and attend an interview.

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Group of smiling young students walking and talking

Instant access to work


Choose when and where you work


Grow your skills


Unlock desirable opportunities


Choose when you get paid


Earn rewards and benefits

Why Indeed Flex?

Indeed Flex offers job seekers so much more than just the roles on offer, such as flexible pay schedules, control over when and where you work, bonus opportunities, and incentives.

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Search for a job that suits you

Indeed Flex offers a broad range of jobs in retail, hospitality, or the industrial sectors for part-time and full-time students looking to work and earn money around their studies in a way that suits them. 

Our flexible working hours means you can pick and choose when you work, essentially being your own boss. So you’ll never have to worry about missing a lecture as you can pick the shifts that work for you. Download the Indeed Flex app to apply for temporary student jobs.

  • Type of Job

  • Other Industries

Jobs across the country

Indeed Flex app allows you to browse and apply for jobs on the go, nationwide, giving you the flexibility to work when and where you want.

Earn extra spending money and impress future employers with your dedication as a working student.

Download the Indeed Flex app and get instant access to our part-time jobs for students.

Locations we work in

Birmingham Brighton Bristol Cardiff Coventry Edinburgh Glasgow Leeds Liverpool London Manchester Yorkshire

Getting started is easy

Follow these simple steps to discover opportunities nearby:


Complete your profile on the app.


Interview, and get verified.


Book shifts, work and start earning!

How the app works

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Join the platform that's transforming temporary staffing.

Become a Flexer

Download the app today for instant access to jobs.

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