We put you, the jobseeker, in control
Instant access to work
Choose when and where you work
Grow your skills
Unlock desirable opportunities
Choose when you get paid
Earn rewards and benefits
Access work instantly
Our mobile-first platform places the control to instantly access an extensive range of jobs in the palm of your hand.
Browse and apply for roles, day or night, book shifts and start earning.

Jobs tailored to your profile
Get matched with the jobs you want, based on your skills, experience, and preferences.
Choose roles with market leaders and independent businesses, across retail, industrial, hospitality, and facilities management, among others.
Customise your job search based upon location, duration, work schedule, desired pay rate, and skills.

Unlock the best opportunities
We believe in rewarding our top performers with the best work opportunities.
We invite businesses to rate the performance of our Flexers after every shift, with those scoring a maximum of five stars receiving first option for future roles with that business.

Access your pay quicker
Choose when you get paid, with Instant Pay. Up to 70% of your wages are available immediately after you complete your shift – perfect for dealing with unexpected emergencies or spontaneous treats.
Any outstanding earnings are paid a week in arrears, as standard.

Discounts on big brands
Sick pay
Paid family leave
Accident/injury payouts
Digital GP
Online physio
Access top rewards with Indeed Flex Levels
Indeed Flex Levels is our way of recognising and rewarding your dedication as a Flexer. Progress through different levels by working shifts and being rated five stars, from Starter to Platinum, unlocking exciting perks and rewards along the way.
Become a Flexer
Download the app today for instant access to jobs.