3 Golden Rules Challenge
We hope you are all well and excited for the week ahead. We’ve put together a challenge that will reward you for showing up to your shift on time and clocking out with pride knowing a job has been well done.
The rules:
- Rule 1: Arrive on time to your shift
- Rule 2: Clock in with your geo location turned on
- Rule 3: Clock out with your geo location turned on
What does the challenge involve?
Being a successful Syfter means arriving at your shift on time, we recommend 15 minutes before your shift is due to start. When you arrive you need to clock in with the geolocation turned on and when you have completed your shift, you need to clock out with your geolocation turned on. This can all be done via the Syft app.
If you follow the 3 golden rules for each shift, you’ll be entered into a competition with a chance to win a £50 amazon voucher each month, and a giveaway of a £200 voucher at the end of September.
Read on to understand what you can win!
We will be starting the 2 month challenge on Monday 3 August.
You have a few days to refresh your memory on how to clock in and clock out here.
The competition will run until the end of September.
How to earn points
In order to track your success we’ve set up a points system, every time you complete a shift and successfully follow the 3 golden rules you will earn points.
- On-time Arrival = 1 point
- Clock-in with geo location turned on = 1 point
- Clock-out with geo location turned on = 1 point
- Complete all 3 in one shift = Earn a bonus point!
The maximum points you can get for a shift = 4 points
You don’t need to track points yourself. We will email everyone individually every 2 weeks with their current points total.
You will receive your first points total on 17 August.
The Prizes
We know shifts availability varies, depending on your role and location. Therefore, to ensure everyone has a fair chance to win, at the end of each month, workers will be allocated into 1 of 3 groups based on the number of shifts worked; 1-10 shifts worked, 11-20 shifts worked, 21+ shifts worked.
The top 3 scores from each group each month will win a £50 amazon voucher, and the top 5 of each group will be featured in our client’s monthly newsletter.
That’s not all, to celebrate the end of the 3 golden rules challenge, we will host a final lucky draw. Anyone who has consistently arrived on-time, clock-in/out (with geolocation turned on) for 1 week from 3 August till end of September, will be entered. The grand prize will be 2x £200 Amazon vouchers and the winners will be drawn 21st October. If you have any further questions on the challenge please see our FAQ page as well as Terms & Conditions.
We recommend you refresh your memory on how to clock in and out of the Syft app here. If you would like to speak to a member of the Syft support team, please email [email protected] Have a great week! Team Syft