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Many businesses rely on SyftForce to help manage their casual workforce with Syft, and agency partners to fill any gaps in their...

Indeed Flex

4 March 2020

3 min read

Many businesses rely on SyftForce to help manage their casual workforce with Syft, and agency partners to fill any gaps in their schedule. When it comes to working together, transparency is the name of the game; without it, measuring and adjusting for success are nearly impossible. At Syft, we recognise the importance of these partnerships between businesses and their temporary agencies, and are continually working to improve our product to ensure the best possible service for our customers.

As such, we’re proud to announce the SyftForce Dashboard, giving users control over their data, empowering them to make smart and informed investment decisions when it comes to staffing, learning, and development. Never before has this level of data been available to our customers on a self-serve basis.


The SyftForce product is designed to help manage available internal resources more effectively, in turn meaning less money is spent on expensive agency workers. To facilitate this further, our new dashboard allows users to easily access a snapshot of key KPIs and metrics related to their workforce, inclusive of the proportion of shifts undertaken by different groups of workers, venue ratings, and fulfilment rates. A detailed overview of the exciting new features will follow.

Giving you access to the metrics that matter

Highlighted are the topline metrics for any given timeframe, which can be viewed across all venues as well as on a per venue basis. We’re giving access to the aggregated ratings of the workers and for the first time we are giving employers visibility of the ratings workers give them per venue.

Your data: any time, any place

Our handy date picker feature ensures you’ll only see the data for the date range you wish to see. Some rules that apply are:

  • The maximum date range you can select is one year, and the minimum is one day
  • After choosing to “Apply” the settings, the graph will be updated to your given date range

When it comes to selecting venues, users will be granted access based on previous permissions, however Global/Admin users will of course have access to all venues belonging to their company. Simply type the name of the venue into the search bar and select those that apply.

Number of hours worked

Get a quick and easy snapshot of the number of hours worked by Syfters, Agency and Internal staff. Drill down by all venues or on a per venue basis, as well as by type of staff.

Repeat Workers

We let you see the exact number of repeat shifts made by Syfters, Agency, and Internal staff across all venues, or on a per venue basis. This is calculated by the percentage of workers that worked more than one shift in a certain venue during the selected time frame, divided by the total of workers that worked in that period.

Estimated Spend

We know how important it is to estimate your perceived staff spending, learning and development as accurately as possible. That’s why we’ve made this feature central to our dashboard. 

  • Cost (as seen on costings page) Changes according to date range selected
  • See day-to-day spend by moving across the graph


We’d love to hear your feedback to help us build the best product for you and your business. For any questions surrounding the functionality or how to get the most out of the dashboard function please contact your Account Manager.

Explore the dashboard

