Congratulations - you’ve completed Grow with Indeed Flex

Grow with Indeed Flex is not just about new ideas, it’s about practical action. Helping you take meaningful steps to design the career you want. Watch the video below to hear Matty’s final thoughts.

Take action

Now that you have worked through the series, it’s a great time to think about more practical things you can do to support you on your squiggle. Why not try writing a simple action plan with our focus five?

Write down at least 1 practical action to help you across these 5 areas, to give your plans real focus.

  • Something to stop doing:
  • Something to do less of:
  • Something to keep doing:
  • Something to do more of:
  • Something to start doing:


Revisit & Keep Going

Explore our new Grow with Indeed Flex page where you can revisit all of the content from this series. You’ll also find brand new additional resources to help you explore the topics further.