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We make finding workers fast and simple
Choose from thousands of workers, whether you work in Hospitality, Facilities Management, Retail or Industrial.
How it works
Post jobs
Fully customise your job by selecting from a range of preferences.
Choose workers
Have control over job offers with dynamic options to consistently connect you with the highest quality workers.
Manage timesheets
Ensure correct payments for workers and more accurate billing for your business.
Rate performance and add to your talent pool
Retain your best workers, helping you to build lasting and trusted relationships.

Delivering industry-leading quality, every step of the way
In-person and virtual onboarding interviews
Fully verified skills and compliance checks
National upskilling and training events
See how DoubleTree Edinburgh Airport covers last-minute surges in bookings
Easy job posting and templates
Worker ratings and bespoke talent pools
Easy invoicing and timesheets

"Indeed Flex were able to organise high quality, well trained staff who were great to work with and supported several of our venues across our busy period."
Graeme Windsor, Executive Sous Chef at The Signature Group
How does Indeed Flex work?
How does Indeed Flex guarantee the quality of workers?
What does Indeed Flex cost?
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