How to Meditate Anytime, Anywhere

How many of you have meditated before? Throughout our Personal Development series we have explored relaxation, self reflection and mindfulness, so where...

Indeed Flex

15 October 2020

3 min read

How many of you have meditated before? Throughout our Personal Development series we have explored relaxation, self reflection and mindfulness, so where does meditation come in? 

Whether you have meditated before or are a complete newbie we think Jay Shetty’s advice on how to meditate anytime and anywhere can come in handy to those looking to find quiet moments in their day. 

Who is Jay Shetty you ask? Jay Shetty, a mindfulness expert and the author of the best-selling new book Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind For Peace And Purpose. Shetty sees meditation as a method to get ready for the day, although he believes meditation doesn’t always need to be at the start of your day. 

In his book he talks about the importance of training your mind well before you might need it. He compares this to athletes and says “You don’t ‘train’ when you’re in the midst of the competition or game itself, you train during practice. And every morning we need a training ground. We need a training center”.

Throughout  his many years of practicing mindfulness he often goes back to what’s known as the 5 4 3 2 1 grounding practice. This is a practice that is a favourite among many therapists and psychologists. It essentially helps an individual become more present, aware and attentive, which is something we believe everyone can continuously work on and benefit from.

“When you are still with yourself, you actually notice what your body and mind want in that moment, and then you can go and find it,“ says Shetty.

So let’s start with 5: 

What are the 5 things you can see? 

Walk into a space and identify the 5 things you can see.

What are the 4 things you can touch? 

Don’t be afraid to touch your clothing, materials around you and the area you are in.

What are 3 things you can hear?

Try and be silent and only focus on external noises.

What are 2 things you can smell?

Inhale and exhale a deep breath and ask yourself what are those scents around me?

And finally,

What is 1 thing you can taste?

This might be your morning coffee or your breakfast.

The impact of the 5 4 3 2 1 method really allows you to listen to your body and be fully aware of your environment. Shetty says “When we’re present with our body and mind, then we can communicate with our partners, our children, our colleagues, our friends”.

This method is one that you can use and take anywhere with you, you may use it on your lunch break, or on your morning commute, before you get up in the morning or even before you go to bed. 

54321 Grounding practice really seems to be the key to meditation anytime and anywhere. We encourage you all to give it a go.

Take care,

Syft’s Community team 


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